As an adult with ADHD, you may feel like your full potential at work is not being realized. You may be struggling to stay on task or concentrate when it comes to completing work and meeting deadlines. However, with the right strategies and support, you can learn to manage your ADHD and unlock your full potential. Here at ATTN Center our team of therapists specialize in treating ADHD and its related issues through our ADHD Focused Therapy.
What is ADHD?
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder defined by inattention and/or hyperactivity. It affects millions of people worldwide and is more common than most people realize. In the United States alone, about 6% of all children are diagnosed with ADHD and approximately 20% of adults have been told by a healthcare professional that they have ADHD.

ADHD Can Cause Challenges at Work
ADHD can cause significant challenges at work, such as difficulty staying focused, managing time, and completing tasks. As a result, those with ADHD may find it difficult to keep up with the demands of their job or progress in their career. There are many job types that may be more appropriate for someone with ADHD, and employers can adjust responsibilities to create more job options for a person who has ADHD. Many employers and employees alike may not be aware of the accommodations that can be provided for someone who has ADHD, but getting them some education on the topic may benefit you greatly. Such accommodations can include: flexibility in schedules, flexibility in work hours, modifying work tasks to allow more time for completing tasks, providing training or coaching to help with workplace challenges
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and being Neurodivergent can present a challenging set of symptoms to manage, especially in a work environment. But it’s possible to unlock your full potential and make your ADHD a strength, instead of a burden. Here are six proven tips to help you better manage your ADHD at work:
Tip #1 – Monitor Your Stress Levels and Identify Triggers with the Help of ADHD Focused Therapy in NYC
Having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can make life more challenging, especially when it comes to managing stress levels. Fortunately, there are several strategies that can help those with ADHD identify their triggers and keep their stress levels in check.
First recognizing the inherent stress that comes with having ADHD.
This is a key step in overcoming its effects. While it may seem like stress is ruling your life, it’s often just your ADHD magnifying your symptoms. People with ADHD aren’t good at filtering out external stimuli or silencing their internal thoughts; both of these can cause stress. A certain amount of stress may be optimal, but it can quickly become a debilitating tension that worsens ADHD symptoms.
Next, it’s important to identify your ADHD triggers.
Common triggers include: stress, toxic people, and unhealthy habits such as alcohol. Stress may be the most common trigger for adults with ADHD, and at times it can feel like ADHD keeps you in a constant state of stress and anxiety. Toxic people can also weigh down those with ADHD emotionally, and unhealthy habits can easily start a downward spiral both mentally and physically.
Utilize Tools and Techniques Learned in ADHD Focused Therapy to Manage Your ADHD
Once you’ve identified your triggers, there are several tools and techniques that can help you manage them. Eating healthy, exercising, getting plenty of sleep, and taking breaks are all important ways to reduce stress levels. Additionally, tools such as a calendar or agenda, voice assistant, website blockers, and the Pomodoro Technique can help with organization and staying focused on tasks. Exercise is also a great way to reduce ADHD-related stress in a healthy way.
Managing Your Stress Levels is Possible
Managing stress levels when you have ADHD can be difficult, but it is possible. The first step is to recognize the things that trigger your ADHD, such as stress, toxic people, and unhealthy habits. With this knowledge, you can make an active decision to not let ADHD become a weakness. After that, utilizing tools and techniques such as eating healthy, exercising, creating a schedule, mapping out your time, and setting boundaries can help minimize the effects of stress in your life.
Tip #2 – Establish Healthy Habits & Routines to Manage Your ADHD Symptoms
Establishing healthy routines and habits is essential for those with ADHD to succeed at work. Having a structured morning routine is key to staying focused and productive throughout the day. Incorporating a healthy diet and regular exercise into your daily routine can also help manage ADHD symptoms. Creating boundaries between work and home life can help you stay organized, reduce stress, and ensure that you are taking time to rest and relax. Setting realistic goals can help you stay on task and prioritize what needs to be done.
Here are some more tips that can help you manage your ADHD symptoms and establish healthy habits in the workplace:
Find a quiet space to work in.
Many people with ADHD have trouble focusing in loud and chaotic environments, so it’s important to find a place where you can focus without interruption. Ask to work in a quiet area away from distractions like colleagues talking or phones ringing.
Work with a mentor or colleague who is organized.
They can help guide you through projects. Having someone to help you stay on track can be invaluable for those with ADHD.
Make sure to write down all your tasks and goals so you don’t forget them.
Keeping track of multiple projects and deadlines can be difficult for those with ADHD, so writing everything down can help you stay organized.
Set realistic goals and be realistic about how much you can accomplish in one day.
If you set overly ambitious goals, you will become overwhelmed by all the tasks you need to complete.
Take breaks throughout the day to stay focused.
Taking regular breaks helps to refresh your mind and body, which is especially important for those with ADHD.
Get enough sleep, exercise, and down time.
It’s important to take care of yourself and get adequate rest in order to stay focused during the day.
Learn and practice relaxation techniques like yoga, deep breathing, and meditation.
These activities can help to reduce stress and improve concentration.
Tune out distractions.
It’s easy to get distracted by emails, social media, and other things when working from home. Make sure to turn off notifications and designate certain times of the day for checking emails and social media.
Try to simplify your life as much as possible.
Reduce extra activities, clubs, committees, and commitments that can add stress to your life.
Reward yourself for completing tasks and accomplishing goals.
Positive reinforcement can help keep you motivated and focused on what you need to do.
By following these tips, you can establish healthy habits and routines that will help you manage your ADHD symptoms and succeed in the workplace. With the right strategies and habits, you can achieve success.

Tip #3 – Learn to Leverage the Positive Side of ADHD in the Workplace With ADHD Focused Therapy
ADHD is a disorder that affects both children and adults and can make it difficult to focus, stay organized, and manage time. However, despite its challenges, ADHD can also be beneficial in the workplace. People with ADHD have been found to possess unique skills such as creativity, problem-solving abilities, and quick decision-making that can make them valuable assets to any team. With proper support and understanding, those with ADHD can leverage their gifts to become successful in the workplace.
Celebrate Progress Rather Than Perfection
One way to leverage the positive side of ADHD in the workplace is by celebrating progress rather than perfection. The ability to start a project quickly and be creative can be an asset in the workplace, but people with ADHD often have difficulty finishing tasks or following through on details. It’s important to remember that progress is still progress, even if the final product isn’t perfect. Celebrating small wins and successes can help to motivate and empower employees with ADHD to keep going.
Learn to Value Praise with ADHD Focused Therapy
Valuing praise is also key to leveraging the positive side of ADHD in the workplace. People with ADHD are sometimes criticized for their lack of focus or inability to stay organized, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. It’s important to recognize and appreciate the contributions of employees with ADHD, whether it’s through verbal praise or rewards. This can help to boost their confidence and motivate them to continue to strive for success.
Recognize When You Need Help
Another way to leverage the positive side of ADHD in the workplace is to recognize when you need a new expert. It’s easy to get stuck in a routine and resist change, but this can be particularly difficult for people with ADHD. It’s important to recognize when you need to bring in a new expert to help with a project or to give a fresh perspective. This can help to keep things interesting and engaging, which can be difficult for people with ADHD.
Accept yourself and your limitations
Acknowledge that it is okay to make mistakes and that you have unique strengths and weaknesses due to having ADHD. When faced with a challenging situation, take a moment to think about how your ADHD affects you and how you can use it to your advantage.
By taking these steps, employees with ADHD can leverage their strengths in the workplace and become more successful. People with ADHD can offer unique perspectives and bring new ideas and energy to the team. With the right support and understanding, they can use their gifts to their advantage and thrive in the workplace.
Tip #4 – Set Goals and Create a Plan to Reach Them
One of the most important strategies for adults with ADHD to reach goals in the workplace is goal setting. To set effective goals, it is helpful to first identify your interests, skillset, and passions. This will help to narrow down what it is you really want to achieve and provide you with a roadmap to get there.
Understand the Purpose of the Goal
Additionally, understanding the purpose of the goal can be especially important to increase motivation for individuals with ADHD.
Breakdown the Goal into Manageable Steps
Another key step to goal setting is breaking down the goal into smaller actionable steps. Creating a timeline and scheduling specific tasks within that timeline can help keep the person on track and make the goal easier to achieve. Writing down the goal and one actionable step can also help to keep the individual on track.
Organize Your Workspace
In addition to goal setting, organizing your workspace and managing distractions is essential for adults with ADHD. It’s important to create a space where you won’t be easily distracted and ask to work in a quiet area. Working with a manager or colleague who is well-organized and can help guide you through projects from start to finish can be helpful. Writing down tasks and schedules, delegating tasks to others, and rewarding yourself for tasks achieved are all great strategies for managing ADHD in the workplace.
Effectively Manage Your Emotions Through ADHD Focused Therapy
Managing emotions is also an important component of succeeding in the workplace when you have ADHD. Acknowledging intense emotions and learning to use self-talk to monitor impulsive actions can help to control emotional outbursts. It is also important to focus on developing self-awareness and understanding of one’s emotions. Recognizing and labeling emotions can go a long way in helping to control them. Furthermore, try to take time out when feeling overwhelmed or frustrated. Taking a “time-out” and slow breathing can help to reduce stress. Additionally, exercise and physical activity can be beneficial in managing emotions. Exercise can help to reduce stress and can also help to boost mood.
Anger is Not Always Bad
It is also important to remember that anger is not necessarily bad. It is a normal emotion and can be managed with the strategies discussed above. Additionally, it is important to assume positive intent from coworkers and employers. Understanding that people’s actions are not always directed at you personally can help to reduce frustration and anger. Managing emotions with ADHD in the workplace can be a difficult task, however with focus, self-awareness, and the right tools, managing emotions with ADHD in the workplace can become much more manageable.
Never forget that having ADHD is not a deficiency but rather a strength. People with ADHD often have creativity, empathy, emotional sensitivity, nature smarts, and exuberance that can turn into motivators to reach their goals. Knowing how to identify these strengths and turn them into skills can help individuals with ADHD reach their goals in the workplace.

Tip #5 – Seek Out ADHD Focused Therapy When Necessary
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
This is an evidence-based form of psychotherapy that has been found to be particularly helpful for people with ADHD. This type of therapy focuses on changing patterns of thought and behavior that may be causing distress or impairing functioning. CBT can help people with ADHD learn to manage their attention and organization, as well as develop strategies to deal with distractions and emotional regulation.
Supportive psychotherapy
This is also beneficial for adults with ADHD. This type of therapy helps people with ADHD recognize and build upon their strengths, while also addressing areas of difficulty. It can help increase self-esteem and confidence, improve relationships with colleagues, and provide coping skills to handle challenges in the workplace.
Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT)
This is another type of psychotherapy that can be useful for adults with ADHD. This type of therapy focuses on improving relationships in the workplace, which can be especially challenging for people with ADHD. IPT can help people with ADHD understand their communication styles and how their behavior affects others. It can also help them learn how to better express their needs and work collaboratively with colleagues.
ADHD Focused Therapy is an Effective Tool to Help Manage Symptoms
Overall, psychotherapy can be an effective treatment for helping people with ADHD manage their symptoms and succeed in the workplace. It can provide individuals with strategies to better manage their attention, emotions, and behavior, as well as help them build relationships with colleagues. In addition to psychotherapy, there are other strategies, such as creating a schedule and finding a quiet workspace, that can help people with ADHD succeed in the workplace.
By understanding your ADHD and implementing the right strategies and supports, you can take control of your work life and unlock your full potential. Whether it’s learning how to manage stress levels, set achievable goals, or create a productive workspace, these six tips can help you better manage your ADHD at work. With the right strategies and support, anyone can learn to manage their ADHD and make their work environment more conducive to their needs. By understanding the accommodations that can be made and implementing these tips, you can finally unlock your full potential and take control of your career.
Reach Out For Help
If you or someone you know is struggling with managing their ADHD at work, consider reaching out to a professional for help. If you’re looking for additional support and guidance in managing your ADHD, reach out to us at to learn more about our ADHD Focused Therapy Services. Managing ADHD in the workplace can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. People with ADHD have many strengths and with the right strategies, they can make the most of their career opportunities.
Start ADHD-Focused Therapy in NYC
If you are struggling with your ADHD in your work environment and don’t know where to turn for help, ADHD Focused Therapy in NYC can help. ADHD-Focused Therapy at the ATTN Center is unique because it offers traditional therapy practices to address the psychological and emotional impacts of having ADHD in the real world. Practical support for organization and structure (scheduling, calendaring, to-do lists, not losing keys, etc). All through the lens of Neurodivergence.
Understanding the unique challenges to having ADHD that other therapies do not. Our expert ADHD-Focused therapists look forward to speaking with you. We offer a free 20-minute phone consultation to discuss your case and how we can help. Contact us today.
- Learn more about our team and the services offered here!
- Reach out to us through our convenient online therapy contact page here!
- Begin the journey to understanding your diagnosis and living your best life!
Other ADHD Services Offered by The ATTN Center in NYC
We not only offer ADHD Focused Therapy, but also other services related to the treatment of ADHD and its side effects. This includes ADHD Focused Therapy for Anxiety, ADHD Focused Therapy for Depression, ADHD Focused Therapy for Couples, Neurofeedback for ADHD, and ADHD testing options. At ATTN Center of NYC, we do everything in our power to treat ADHD without the use of medication, but we understand in some severe cases additional measures may be needed. As a result, we also maintain close relationships with many of NYC’s best psychiatrists.
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